Arseno Version Odoo 15.0+e

Informations sur le Arseno instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Customer Credit Limit
Apps will check the Customer Credit Limit on Sale order and notify to the sales manager
Display Pricelist Price On Products
The module displays the every pricelist and corresponding price to which the product is assigned to in the product form
Website Customize Bundle Products
The module allows the admin to create bundles of products on the Odoo website and sell those products in a bundled form.
Website e Wallet
ODOO Website Wallet : Allow user to store credit in you website using wallet and pay using store credit in wallet.
Website Product Size Chart
You can now add a size chart about your products on Odoo website. The customers can compare the size chart and buy the products accordingly.
Du devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Gérez vos pistes et vos opportunités
Site Web
Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Comptabilité Financière et Analytique
Bons de commande, offres et accords
Organisez et planifiez vos projets
Vendez vos produits en ligne
Ordres de fabrication & BOMs
Feuilles de temps
Validation de feuille de temps et vue Grille
Créez et customisez vos applications Odoo
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Account Report Full Width
Arseno Custom RMA
This module customized RMA module according to Arseno needs.
Arseno Odoo E Wallet
This module customized Odoo E-Wallet module according to Arseno needs
Delivery custom prices rules
Customization of delivery price rules
Http Utils
Lost Messages Routing
The tool to make sure you do not loose any incoming messages. Catchall issues. Lost emails.
MRP BoM Performance
Optimization on BoM name_search (many2one field)
Payment Paypal Billing
Website Paypal Express Checkout Payment Acquirer
Odoo Paypal Express Checkout Payment Acquirer integrates Paypal with your Odoo for accepting quick payments from customers.
Product Name One Variant
This module change the name_get in order to display the attribute value when the product has one variant.
Product Packager
Purchase Section and Note Hook
Fill product_id, product_uom and date_planned for POlines.
Purchase Order Line Last PO Price
Last purchase price be automatic on PO
Return Merchandise Authorization Management
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
Sale Order Line Product Details
Sale Order Editable Website Field
Service Discovery Authentication
Restrict Pricelist
Restrict Price list, Pricelist Security App, Pricelist Allocation Module, User Pricelist, Pricelist Visiblity, restrict pricelist for user Odoo
Stock Operation Merge By Description
Client base module
Web Block become SuperUser
Website Product Name
Website Product Name
Website Product Name Custom
Website Product Name
Website Webkul Addons
Website Webkul Addons allows Odoo users to manage all Webkul’s Odoo website Related modules from single page.
Website Show Password
view password at login and signup page.
Contrôlez la qualité de vos produits
Chat, passerelle d'email et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifiez les réunions de vos employés
Publiez des articles de blog, des annonces, des nouvelles
Tableaux de bord
Créez vos propres tableaux de bord
Code Barre
Utilisez des scanners de code-barres pour traiter les opérations logistiques
Expédition par DHL Express
Intermédiaire de paiement PayPal
Intermédiaire de Paiement : Implémentation Paypal

Localisations installées / Plans comptables

Comptabilité - Canada
Format de chèques Canadiens
Imprimer un chèque Canadien
Plan comptable multi-lingue